Man did I love this game!
So the controls are obviously easy to pick up, which is VERY GOOD. Then eventually you run into your first Net Battle. The battle style in this game is possibly one of the best created, in my opinion. One thing I don't like though, is how you can't change your folder in battle. Your folder limits what you do somewhat, making it a drawback. At least its not like Final Fantasy, where you can't do anything about the Hit Miss ratio. In MegaMan BN3 you can move up, down, left, right, anywhere.... except your enemies side. This limits your attacks, which sometimes makes you vulnerable to other attacks. Oh well. NEXT!
The customization in this game is absolutely WONDERFUL. The PET upgrades you get are put in like pieces in Tetris, making the game very.... different? MegaMan can become a certain element (Fire, Earth, Bug, etc.) and he can also have many different elemental attacks which can double damage. This gives you an advantage if you know what boss you're about to fight.
Well, that's it for this game. Its worth your money, so if it appeals to you after reading this review, then buy it.