Compared to Team Colonel, Team ProtoMan have some adventage.But still, both games totally positive to the Series.
Bosses overall:8/10
Storyline is, a little creepy, no Father, no friend's Navis, but still you'll meet with several Navis through the game. After you completed the game, you can collect S chips and M Chips, and G Chips to unlock secret areas, mainly "Murkland" Nebula Area,where you re-fight the bosses through Liberations. This is really hard. I've played 45 hours from now, and still its addictive.
Story and Play 9/10
MegaMan BN Series is famous for its Extras. You can unlock this by collecting all Standard, Mega, or Giga chips. (Usually the first two) In BN5, this is recommended to fight Bass, unlock Nebula Grey Omega, and get all Giga chips, HP Memories. It could be take long to complete this game to 100%.
Extra 8.5/10
Navis in Team ProtoMan: ProtoMan,MagnetMan,GyroMan,NapalmMan,SearchMan,Meddy.
ProtoMan - I have nothing to say. The best Soul imo.
MagnetMan - Usefull, because of the paralyz.
GyroMan - Cool buster, atks 3 panels ahead, dmg reduces with each panel, farest hits most
NapalmMan - VulcanBustr, not the best.
SearchMan - Lock Target, and Shoot. With ChaosUnison, its really pwnage.
Meddy - Crap.
Navis 8.5/10
Thanks for reading this.