The first game in the Megaman series is tough. It has puzzles and mysteries you have to solve.  Its fun, but rough.

User Rating: 6 | Battle Network RockMan EXE GBA
Megaman Battle Network is a great game, it just rattles your brain.  The game has a lot of puzzles and sometimes, during a crisis in the game, you cannot leave a select area, which sucks because you cannot get any new battle chips or any new upgrades before you fight the boss.  Its still fun to play.  However, sometimes the levels feel endless, making it seem like it will never end and you will feel the need to find an FAQ to tell you what to do.  Also, in order to get out of the home pages of Lan's friends, you have to jack into their computers and get it from a mystery data, then go through the entrance outside on the net, and unlock their home page.  That is a very long process.  Its a good game, but it does have room for improvement. I still recommend it, but still, the other Megaman sequels are better.