The game is badly structured and you will always have to depend on luck to move forward
Story: After Lan and Megaman saved the internet from WWW the world was returning to peace. However incidents of berserk Net Navis have been reported recently. It turned out that the cause of the disturbance was a new virus called “Zero Virus”. Lan decided to look up at this problem in means to avoid doing his homework and Megaman eventually agreed. Game design: The game is set in a classic 2D style game play rather than a free roaming RPG world. Unlike the Gameboy games the only playable area is the internet, while in the real world there is a map that displays area from where you can Jack-in. The internet world is beautifully done with great detailed graphics. The game is also done in cel-shaded toon graphics which makes the characters in the game considerably good looking. Once you meet characters, dialogues will appear and you basically read what characters say. Reading dialogues in the Gameboy games is considerable but however a powerful machine like the Gamecube should have more than just plain dialogues, people would expect voice acting and character animations and cut scenes.
Game play: You will be playing as Megaman only, since the real world is just a plain map Lan will just be circling around his room in the entire game. The game is done in 2D and Megaman will have classic movements like jumping, sliding, shooting and charge shooting later on. In the beginning Megaman will have almost no weapons or anything, which makes the game extremely difficult since the enemies are set with hundreds of advantages. You will probably die a lot of times in the game as you search for upgrades, which can take a very long time, especially when fighting bosses.
The battle chip system is pretty badly done. You press the Z button to view battle chips and can select up to 5 battle chips. There will be a meter at the left of the screen that shows how much chips you can use, that means even if you have 100 sword chips you can only use then around 5 times and you will have to wait for the meter to charge (which takes a very long time) and you will also have to wait for you battle chip meter on the top of the screen until you can change battle chips (Which also takes ages, very bad when fighting a boss).
Sound: The voice acting is only in Japanese and most of the time you will have to read dialogues. The music isn’t all that special (In fact I liked the music in the Gameboy games a lot better)
Overall the game is very frustrating and not necessarily fun. The game is badly structured, when fighting bosses you will hardly have any opportunity to dodge their attacks and if you get hit around 4 or 3 times you will die instantly, the battle chip system is also pretty useless, you will have to keep fighting and dieing until you have the appropriate chips to beat the boss.
I would recommend this game for hardcore fans, but even fans will get disappointed in this game. I recommend you stick with the Gameboy games, they are a lot more fun and much better made.