Somebody didn't get the memo . . .

User Rating: 6.3 | RockMan's Soccer SNES
With all of the Mario Sports games and their success, it was only logical to include Mega Man in on the fun. The design that went into the game was good, but the overall result was rather poor and offered little to the player that he/she couldn't get from other soccer games.

The game was designed to have players choose groups of Mega Man regulars to fill the forwards, mid, defense, and goal positions. The result was a simplistic version of team selection where you don't have stronger sides in comparison and the characters hardly ever actually show the use of their platform moves.

The graphics are good and cartoony, but the presentation is still too simple. The character models run like they have a limp.

The rest of the game is only mediocre at best. Capcom lost a little on this game.