review 55
my mail.look its a letter.well people i guess i have to play
20 seconds later....................................
well the mystery game i got was mega man soccer.just say
the name people.MEGA MAN what is this
game.i think the title can tell you get a cutscene
that you must play a soccer in order to blah blah blah.also
in this game you play as mega man cut man
and snake man.i guess this is pretty cool but how did capcom
do not a huge fan of sports game.the only one that kicks
butt is NBA jam.people what if they made mario soccer.oh
wait they did do that.what about f-zero soccer?or zelda soccer.
oh well this is a bad game just for that.i thought i was done
with mega man after mega man November but nope.anyway
i gotta go get my mail.oh no not a other letter.dear Andrew,
you must save the world from the noid trying to steal pizzas.
well forget it.