This game is better than it gets credit for.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty good. There were a few moments in the overworld where I had wished the sprite artists had taken a little bit more time with the animation, especially in the emotionless mugshots. I don't get how the game could be faulted for GBA style graphics when there are plenty of other good games that use graphics that are more or less on par with the graphics here but aren't faulted for it. I do, however, understand how the in-battle graphics could be faulted, as I've found that Megaman blocks the view a bit when he's in some of his bulkier forms.
Gaemplay: The story is, like gamespot says, a little on the stupid side. Especially when you find yourself actually traveling to a country called "Whazzap", where people greet each other by saying WHAZZAP! THe game isn't too chore heavy, and the minigames involved in certain parts of the story are almost fun, while others can be tedious. The battles are the redeeming part of the gameplay, however. The battles are fast-paced and fun, especially with the addition of the double-tribe and triple-tribe systems, allowing you to power up Megaman through a total of ten different forms, each with their own special strengths and weaknesses. Battles really come alive in multiplayer mode, though. My only issue with the random online battle is that there's no way to match up with someone who's in the same skill level as you, so you may often encounter someone who's used the wave command cards to beef themselves up to near-invinicbility.
Sound: I thought the music was fitting usually. It was enjoyable to listen to, but at times was out of place with the situation at hand. The sound effects in battle work well, but I'm honestly a little dissapointed at the lack of english voice acting.
In conclusion, Megaman Starforce 2 is an enjoyable game but is in no way perfect. If you're into unique RPGs, you may find this game to be fun. Although you may find that buying this game used is a bit of a better idea than buying it new.