First time play of the series, and it didn't disappoint.

User Rating: 9 | Ryuusei no RockMan 3: Black Ace DS
As stated, I am a first time player in the Mega-Man RPG series, and I must say that the review of the game is disappointing to say the least. Now I understand that the story is in fact cliche, and maybe the characters are a little annoying, however as reviewers of games, I felt that Gamespot was a little hard on the franchise, especially in the eyes of a new person to the series. In my play through this game I have been asking myself the whole time, "Where is the let down, where is the fall out?", and through my play I have yet to see it. The customization of play style through the decks, the multiplayer, and the battle system all seemed to mesh well in my eyes, and made for a great time.

However as stated before I did not play any other games in this series. The game may in fact put multiple aspects through the recycle bin, but thank god for Gamefaqs forums or else I would have never found out. Isn't the goal of reviews to state the bad, but not entirely plunder a game into the ground just because its a rehash?