My favorite game series while growing up is now available on one disk... Well, I know I'm excited!

User Rating: 9.1 | Mega Man X Collection PS2
I guess I'm kind of a fanboy when it comes to this review... but I just love these games!

GAMEPLAY: There probably isn't any reason to explain what Mega Man X is really about. If you don't know, it's just an edgier version of the regular Mega Man series, and if you don't know about that... you don't know games.

MMX:Collection is by far my favorite collection to date, because these games hold dear to my heart. The first MMX is the first real game I ever played and is what really got me into gaming. I consider the SNES MMX's (1-3) to be absolute classics of platforming, level design, and just all-out buster-blasting fun. MMX4 was great first start on Sony's first console for the series. MMX5 brought more, and while MMX6 was a little flawed and started to get a little old, it was still great fun. Also, included in the collection is Mega Man: Battle and Chase, never before released in the US which is surprisingly solid and can definately compare to Mario Kart and the first Crash Team Racing and makes the game a neat unlockable.

GRAPHICS: In simple words, I consider the MMX (1-6) games to be some of the best-looking games of their generation, especially the SNES versions. (MMX 5 & 6 not so much; they were basically the same as MMX4)

SOUND: While the sound of X's buster gun does eventually get tiresome, I found all the music to be well-composed and enjoyable. All other sound FX are pretty much bleeps and bloops.

VALUE: If your a veteran to the series, it probably won't take long to blast through all six (not including the racing game) games. As for me it took a little longer than four days, but I'm such a fan, that I don't mind replaying these games over and over again.

ON THE NEGATIVE SIDE: While it's supposed to just be a collection, there still could have been more unlockable content other than a few image galleries and a few song remixes. Also, a couple of the games sometimes have a couple of collision or control response issues here and there, but that's just being too picky. And the steep difficulty may turn newcomers around.

BOTTOM LINE: If you' re a MMX fan who doesn't already own all the games, you have no excuse not to buy this fantastic collection NOW, however; if you do own them, you' re better off sticking to the originals or you' re ILLEGAL roms. (Thought of the Day: "Piracy is stealing") And for newcomers to the series, give it a go when it's cheaper. Great collection!!