MMX3 is an amazingly hard to find cartridge for the snes, and I bet 90% of the usa has never played it, but now you can

User Rating: 8.7 | Mega Man X Collection PS2
All of the mega man x games for the snes platform were some of the greatest games of their time. and now you can relive it in mmx collection. every game from mmx1-mmx6 is included in this game as well as to other games that were only released in japan. but the most propelling reason to buy this game is becuase of the mmx3 copy it contains. mmx3 was released for snes, but for some reason unkown to me, two thirds of it stock fell off the planet, and became an extremely hard to find catridge, unless your willing to belt out over 100 bucks on ebay. and playing a megamanx game on your pc using an emulator is a lost cause. wall kicking while holding the directional button and shooting at the same time is nearly immpossible. so i highly reccomend buying yourself a copy of mmx collection if your a hardcore fan becuase mmx3 is a must play game. and plus you get mmx1-mmx6 with it, so how can you lose.