A great collection,although some things could have been fixed.
In Mega Man X Collection you get to play the first 6 games in the X series You'll even get the rare import only mega man kart racing game, Mega Man Battle And Chase.Its not really that fun though.
===== What does this game offer? ======
All the first 6 games are great although, that quality greatly declines in X7 and is a little better in X8.The quality in these games already suffer a notable decline in entries 1-6.Good games, but the drop is noticable.
Although the games are really good and playing these games will bring you back to older days, Its the way they are presented and what extras this collection has to offer is what greatly makes this collection less than stellar than the previous megaman colection.
Every game in this collection is practically the same you go through many levels , upgrade your armor , kill mavericks, and then finally defeat SIgma.
The emulation is done almost perfectly in this collection so thats a good start.X1and 2 are still perfect in game quality and left untouched as they should be.
====== My Childish Rant ======
Capcom gives the collection the ps1 version of X3 which has some anime cutscenes and remixed music.Ok, remixed music is good, but i dont want to hear that, i want the same music i knew and loved when i played Megaman X3.
They could have just as easily allowed an option to allow the original soundtrack or the remixed one to play in the background.
X3 , As stellar a game it is,is hampered by the playstation version's non-looping music.(why didnt they fix this?)However they took out the really long loading times so thats good.
As a matter of fact the game screen even has music that doesnt loop correctly.WTF?As you will hear a slight 2 second pause before the music repeats itself.
Capcom swore it would redub the voices in X4 but nothing has changed.As for X6 they swore they would add english voices.What really bugged me was why they released this in such a rush.
The voices in X4 are still horrid, and they didnt redub anything.Yet they didnt include an option to hear the japanese ones, even with subtitles.
I couldve patiently waited for months for them to do so.The thing that really pissed me off was the fact of :
If they couldnt dub voices in X6, Why the hell would u remove the Japanese voice overs? Now while i play X6 all i read is text with no voices(even if they are in japanese).
I actually loved the japanese voices in the cutscenes, now if i really want to enjoy this game, i have to pull out my disc for the PS1 and pop it in.
They still have not fixed the grammatical errors in X5 such as the "Because it is my bission "statement.They still also have not fixed the lazy translation that still resides in X6.They also have failed to add a lot of extras.
As you will see no developer interviews or like historical files of the series.You do get pieces of artwork,images and hints(for x1-x3) for each game you beat but thats it could have a like a developer interview or something extra.
They have hints for the games, and you to HAVE TO beat a game to see them.Isnt that why i have the internet for? This isnt the early 90's...
Dont even get me started on the instruction booklet.If any one were to buy this game and play these games for the first time, they wouldnt even know what the hell to do in each game.All the booklet provides is what the weapon screen and main screen show.
Yea, like thats really going to help someone.This is isnt a problem for a Mega Man veteran,but that is still bad.They could have just as easily added the booklet in the game, a digital copy , just like Sonic Mega Collection did so well.
====== My One Sentence Afterthought ======
All in all its a great collection but it really is hampered by its presentation, broken promises , lack of extras and its incorrectly lopping music