Ahh, the glory of Megaman X. The leaner, and meaner version of our friendly hero.
Now, the graphics of this game are ok. Although it's six games, theres no doubt it's fairly dated. While I always never minded the sprited graphics of games, other people might. If you want to play this game, be prepared for the downgrade. However, I liked them. Everything was clean and nice. Nothing ever lagged. There's not really a lot to same about them. In X3 there are the few nice cutscenes. In X4 it's really nice to see animated versions of the X characters. Who wouldn't mind watching Zero and Sigma fight animated?
The audio for this game feels very Megamany, of course. The custom rock and roll mixes and the occasional keyboard mixes. The whole variety is mostly rock and roll mixed with a keyboard. It's a very enjoyable mix. Sadly however, it's not as good as classic Megaman's audio. You wont really find yourself humming most of the tunes like you would classic megaman. It's there though. The annoying charge sound in Megaman X1, which is the only annoying one. The blaster guns. The saber swings. It's all there. In X4-X6 however, god forgive Capcom. MEGAMAN STILL SOUNDS LIKE A KID. In X5 and X6 they thankfully changed that. Still, they never added anymore voice overs for the rest of the games except for jumping.
The value of this game is just something worth noting. The game is worth 30 dollars upon exact release of it. With that small price, a drop isn't really expected. Every game will take a couple of days to beat. This is worth a couple of weeks of fun, megaman gameplay. It's definately worth every penny.
The gameplay here is varied. Whilst X1-X4 are a lot of fun, X5 and X6 aren't really as fun. Here's the difference. X1-X4 contain some key differences to the original megaman. First of all, there are keepable energy tanks which you can fill up with spare energy, but only if you collect it when you have full energy (more specific and useful in X4-X6). Another difference is collecting armor. This is a fun way that increases replay value. Finding armor and collecting it is cool because you're rewarded very greatly for going out of the way. It's reccomended to even finish the game with all the armor, because it's pretty hard to do so without it. You can also find hearts, which are a bit easier to get then armor, and reward you with 2 more bars of HP for every heart. Eventually it increases your HP by more then double. There are 8, and one in every level. Sometimes you need a specific weapon to reach it.
The game, as you may have heard, is pretty much harder. There are more enemies in this game and the bosses are much harder. However, this makes up for the extreme easiness classic megaman had once the charge was introduced. Some specific enemies have a lot of HP, and the levels are long and hard. If you haven't cured yourself of gaming aggravation (which is something I conquered long before I played these games), prepare for a hell of a time. Thankfully, the games are more fun. They have a much cooler look to them, and they're faster paced. Now, the exceptions I mentioned before. This includes Megaman X5 and X6. They decided to do some REAL wierd things with the original Megaman formula. These games are drastically different. You'll be sad and confused the first time you play them. It takes some getting used to, but it's still fun. X5 and X6 are also harder. It's always welcomed, but it's strange how different they are. You have to collect heart peices from beating levels, and collecting them like in the original Megaman require you to have collected specific armors and gotten a bit deep into the games. They make it more perfected in X6, but it's still harder. They're also less enjoyable for one reason or another. Level design seemed pretty glum compared to X3 (the best one in the whole series). That's about it.
Also, i'll dedicate something short to battle and chase. This is a fully 3d kart racing game. It strangely managed to add some fairly addictive and fun gameplay. It also incorporates megaman in how you take your opponents vehichle parts (like taking boss abilities), gaining their specials. It has a very wierd item system, where you have to smack into a number of enemies to get one item. It's not very perfected, but the items can be very cheap and give you a great edge in a race. Also, it's very, VERY hard to get a speed boost at the beggining of a race. I wish it were more forgiving in this though. Now, the unlockables are easier to access, but it's not as good as the original's interview. They should've put the same interview in there, just because it's so great. However, you unlock some hints that you might've never known. Some street fighter references, and super secret unlockables in the game to unlock extremely powerful attacks in X1-X3. Makes you wonder how people found out about it BEFORE these hints. Other then that, you also get some pretty cool pictures that show sketches from bosses, cut out bosses, original megaman X sketches, some action poses, original Zero pictures (includes some without the hair too), it's all pretty interesting.
Now, this game has some really bad ones. However, X1-X3 are very replayable because of their short play time. Sometimes to blow an hour, maybe 30 minutes, I collect everything in Megaman X and reach Sigma. It's fun like that. This game, to me, is actually BETTER then the original(not by a lot though). Either way, this game is fun, cheap, and very replayable. Go ahead and buy it. Find out why people are so obsessed with the blue bomber.