Decent RPG for the megaman franchise
Overall, the game's 13 dungeons aren't that long. It's the myriad of gimmick puzzles in each dungeon that can take your time. Depending if you level grind, the dungeon's end bosses can be easy or a pain.
The seven characters in your retinue all have their pros and cons, with X himself as the most balanced, another is the most agile, while others are powerhouses with their ex mode (that's their super form version) which can be used sparingly in each dungeon.
There is a new game plus, however, it is in the form of starting over at the last chapter where you could fight the bosses that lead to the final boss - you could literally grind over and over again. For Item collecting, there is quite a bit of weapons and gear to collect, and once you beat the game you gain access to another dungeon where you could fight the tail clan (several bonus bosses)
In conclusion, the game is a decent rpg, not really up there with the best in the genre, it's more tiered in the average lines. Good game nonetheless.