Finally, A Non-Stop Fun Mega Man RPG
Graphics (9/10): The graphics in this game are not absolutely stunningly beautiful, yet they are not ugly to the point of wanting to puke either. The cel-shading actually heightens the effects of this game and helps put the player's focus on the characters rather than the environment. The environment is OK. For the most part it is good, but some places look a bit repetitive and lacking in thought. Nevertheless, for how the game is played, the graphics are good. Why did I give it a 9 when it seems like I am complaining more than complimenting? Because the graphics in my opinion do not have to be Doom 3 in order to get a high score, they have to be good enough so that you know what everything is and you should be able to still be impressed by the graphics...not greatly impressed but impressed enough. The graphics are crisp and smooth and even though there are only two FMV's (beginning and end), the in-game cutscenes look good still.
Control (9/10): Mega Man games have not been subject to many problems in the controls department with me. In fact, I find the controls to always be top-notch (except MM1 which had Mega Man slide a little after he stopped running...which could be a problem at times). For an RPG the controls are simple and easy to get used to. You run, you dash (B button) out of battle and in battle, since it is turne based, there is not a lot of buttons to worry about. Even still, the controls are very simple, allowing you to do all attacks without having to go into a menu (except changing armors which I don't consider attacking), and the menu is easy to use when needed. Action Triggers, which are special attacks for each character, are all easy to use, although some can be frustrating. That is where this loses that one point. One of the action triggers requires spinning the C-stick, and I have not been able to charge up this attack yet. Zero's Action Trigger also can be a little frustrating when trying to get high combos because of the Control Stick and the difficult-to-use small D-Pad. That is only worth losing one point over though, because it is not too hard to adapt, but it still is a little annoying after the adaptation.
Sound (10/10): It is a Mega Man game, what else do you expect? The sound is great, from the charging of X's Buster to the footsteps of X running. It isn't extraordinary but it is solid sound, and deserves a 10 because there is nothing I can think of to complain about.
Music (9/10): I have been poking around and have heard that past X4, the music started to get a little lame. I noticed this in X5, which I thought only had mediocre music compared to X3 and X1. This game is not dissapointing here, the music is something you may want to hum to (I did at times) and usually is right for the mood. There are two tracks which I thought were peculiar and sounded childish and out of place, which was Axl's theme and Botos' theme. That is why this has a 9 and not a 10...because you may hear the themes more than you will want to.
Story (6/10): I have high expectations in an RPG when it comes to story. The story of this game would have been more than enough had it been a normal Mega Man game, but for an RPG, I thought it lacked depth. I expect my RPG's to have enticing stories that will make you want to know what happens next like a really good novel does. The story of this game is quite simple, although for a Mega Man fan like me, it is wonderful nonetheless. I am grading this as an RPG though, which is why it gets a 6. Unlike most RPG's though, the mediocre story does not take away from the fun factor.
Gameplay (9/10): Ahh, in my opinion, the second most important thing in an RPG next to story. This game can be described in one, short word...FUN. It is very enjoyable and it does not require tedious levelling up like some RPG's do in order to move on. I moved through the game without ever levelling up beyond what I did trying to get through the levels. This game is a tad bit short for an RPG, clocking in at 20 hours for me, and it is also a bit too straighfoward also, with few really huge side-quests like a lot of RPG's do. But it is still fun though, which is reason enough to give it a 9. Had it had a slightly better story and more sidequests, it would have been a 10.
Replay Value (7/10): I count anything that can be done after the game is beaten (including playing it again), as Replay Value. This has a nice little section after the game is beaten which is worth the effort and gives this category 5 of its 7 points. Otherwise, I don't see myself coming back and playing this game again after acquiring everything, and there is a lot to acquire mind you.
Overall (8/10): It is a solid RPG, with enough good to outweigh most of the bad. I suggest you buy this, especially if you like Mega Man. Rent if you are not an RPG fan though...because you can finish this in a rental time.
*NOTE* This is actually a copy of my review from GameFAQs, and I have merely changed a few things to fit with my experience now...mostly this is an exact copy though. Also this acquires a 7.9 because I am able to rate more accurately here. Enjoy.