Mega Man X2 Review (SNES)
User Rating: 8 | Mega Man X2 SNES
Not as good as the first, but still a really good game! The game looks and controls exactly the same as the original, the presentation is about the same as before, and the gameplay is almost exactly like the original, with a few differences. The armor upgrades you can get in this game are awesome, and actually are, in my opinion, better than the armor upgrades you can get in X1! The weapons you score from bosses however, are not as fun to use as those in the last game. The bosses themselves are good and satisfying to take down, and the weapons you score from them aren’t bad mind you, but they are a lot more situational this time around. And as far as other criticisms with the game goes, theres the music. Now the music in this game is not bad. At all. Its still a pretty good soundtrack, but its definetly a step down from X1’s soundtrack, which was just freaking amazing. Still a good soundtrack though. X2 is also a little bit harder than the first game, but not by too much. Another thing I want to bring up is that the X hunters can make the game feel a little bit awkwardly paced if you decide to go after them. Now, you don’t have to go after the x hunters if you don’t want to. The only thing that happens if you don’t go after them is that you have an extra boss fight with zero at the end of the game, but if you do go after them, they break the games pace a little bit. But its nothing major. One more thing I’d like to mention is that finding some of the heart tanks, sub tanks, and armor pieces can be a bit more confusing this time around. Not all of them are like this, but things like the body armor in morth moths stage I don’t how your supposed to figure out where that is on your first run through unless your using a guide. But overall, Mega Man X2 gets an 8/10. Its a pretty worthy follow up to X1 and a really good game in its own right. If you liked the first game, I’d recommend checking this one out. Just don’t expect something quite on the same level as the first game.