Improving on nearly everything that Mega Man X brought to the table, X4 is one of the best Mega Man X games to date.
First off, the graphics are great! everything is in much higher detail and the Playstation's hardware can handle more things onscreen than the SNES could ever dream of doing. Buster Shots in higher detail, bosses with more crisp pixels, everything just looks better!
X4 has brought us one of the greatest things that I could ever want in the Mega Man X series. You can finally play through the entire game as Zero, with absolutely no interuption from X. Zero finally uses his saber as a 3-Slash combo and is actually a lot more fun to use than X, because it seems that by this time, Capcom just stopped caring and thought, "You know what, people aren't going to buy Mega Man games because of X anymore, let's make Zero actually playable to a greater extent!"
Let me just say right now that you no longer need to wrestle with the air dash anymore. The controls have been fixed up and left no button hard to use. The air dash is tighter and is actually USEFUL. The Controls have a great return to form and are much easier to use than X2 and X3's.
Now, this game has a lot of positives, but there are a few negatives mainly the laughable voice acting. It's like Capcom went up to the dubbing company and said, "Here's a bunch of clips and here's a bunch of money. We need this done in like... 5 days. We also need this done for Mega Man 8." Capcom and the Playstation do not make good voice acting. X sounds like a freaking girl and Zero sounds like a massive loser.
Graphics: 10
Controls 9
Entertainment: 8
Difficulty: 8
Story: 7
Final Score: 8.9/10
Good and Bad
+Zero Rocks Now!
+The ability to choose a character
+Much Better Graphics
+Tighter Controls
+MUCH Better soundtrack
-Laughable Voice Acting
-Anime Cutscenes