Why did you do this Capcom!?
In the first few games, Mega Man X has been about fighting the eight bosses by figuring out their weaknesses and coming up with an order in which to fight them, searching the levels using perception and creativity to find all of the hidden armor pieces and items. Although that is usually frowned upon by many to use the same gameplay style for more than one game in the series, it has always been what makes the Mega Man, and Mega Man X games so much fun.
First off was the armor. Mega Man X starts off with the full suit of armor from the fourth game. That just ruined the whole FINDING the armor part. However, it was really nice of them to give you multiple different suits of armor to find, which added a bit more interest to the searching part of the game.
Another part of the game that was actually good was the story line. Unlike the first in the series, the long dialogue was actually worth reading to find out what's going on in the story.
However, the worst mistake that Capcom made in this game, was the eight bosses. It has always been a goal in Mega Man to find a bosses weakness in order to drastically lower the difficulty of the fight. In this game, even if you figure out the bosses weakness, it doesn't really help much. With some of the bosses, it's actually easier to use the plain old X Buster instead.
In the end, Mega Man X5 five is worth it, only if you are like me, and wish to say "I've played and beaten every Mega Man game out there." Otherwise, it's not worth it.