the level design is annoying i mean come on they already screwed up zero why the levels. example in the blaze heatnix or something like that. there is 5 of those ball things. in the level. and infinity minions level is some what anoying. that robot is annoying. last but not least gates levels omfg that level is ridicoulusy hard.
the bosses are not as tough as the levels which disapoints me. every boss is really annoying. its to easy when you use your second weapon. example x using the z saber. it just takes the fun outta of it.
the random events are alright but if you dont have any weapons and if you are on a roll in the level then all of sudden that one guy from the intro level shows up and beats the crap outta you. ya the random events are fun and stupid. fighting that one beside the guy from the intro is some what fun.