In its core, the gameplay is still solid, but has a lot of bad design choices that keep this game from being great

User Rating: 6 | RockMan X6 (PlayStation the Best) PS
Keiji Inafune, the creator of the Mega Man series, had stated that he wanted Mega Man X5 to be the last game in the series, so that Zero would be revived in the Mega Man Zero series. In the end, X6 was made without his aid, and how does it turn out? A real mixed bad.

The graphics are the same from X4 and X5 and they are good, but the backgrounds are nothing special, lacking a lot in detail. 3/5

The music in this game is really good, with fitting and catchy tunes. I can't think of any song in this game I didn't like. This was going to be the first game in the series to have voice acting outside the anime cutscenes, but because this game was rushed, it is only in japanese, and sounds nice but an english option would be nice. 4.5/5

Since X5 was going to be the last game in this series, X6 story is a real mess. You play as X and latter as Zero. Yes, Zero did survive and the explanation is insultingly bad. The overall story is just bad too, with a gimmicky plot about a guy named Gate trying to conquer the world, and of course Sigma appears in the end. The story just ends up as uneccesary and messy. 1/5

Playing as either Zero or X, you have to beat 8 Mavericks, and then face off Gate. The gameplay is still fun, but it has a lot of stupid designs. First of, the levels design is never stellar, and at times is really bad. Example is Ground Scaravitch levels, which is compltely random, so you will have to play it a lot of times to get everything. This game also introduces a Reploid system, where you rescue them and they give you items, like power ups. The system is a nice addition, and you get some awesome power ups, but it has a problem, which is this game's other big addition which is the Nightmare system. They are kind of zombie like enemies, that take a lot of hits to kill and then drop its soul, which depending on how much you have, you can equip more parts. The problem is that they surround you too frequently, and it's not challenging to kill a lot of them at the same time, it is only frustrating. They can also posses a Reploid, which if they do, you cannot rescue them. It is stupid that he would just stand there, and if he gets possessed, you cannot ever rescue them, so if they had a great part like Jummper (lets you jump higher), you are really screwed. There are still the heart tanks and energy tanks from previous entries, so that is always well. X6 just really lacks the polish from its predecessors. Also, X can use the Z saber, but it is almost useless, since you can't really do much with it. Due to bad level designs, the game comes as unfairly hard, being insanely hard at times and some areas come down to trial and error. 2.5/5

Mega Man X6 still is an enjoyable game, but has too many flaws to be considered a great Mega Man game. The franchise would probably be better without this game and its numbered sequels.

The good:
-Core gameplay still fun
-Fantastic soundtrack

The bad:
-Some horrible level design
-Graphics really lack polish
-Reploid and nightmare system are very flawed
-Horrible story