Oh well, I don't think this is the MEGAMAN X I always knew.

User Rating: 6.5 | Mega Man X7 PS2
First of all, I'm a huge fan of Megaman X, I played till X4, missed 5 and 6 and I just tried 7 and I kind of thought the game was not that bad at all, but when I finished the game like in 5 hours, I was pretty disappointed. Eh...the bosses are not that strong, but actually the stages are harder than those bosses, so it's kind of stupid. Bosses have high HP, so it only just takes so much time to beat them, but they are not strong. I'd want fast battles, and stronger bosses, just like the Megaman series were. Even if you use a weapon that is strong against particular boss, the weapon still doesn't help you out to kill the boss completely, because those weapons are pretty useless, and they can't help to decrease all of the HP of the bosses. And the game itself seems pretty slow. Even Dash jumping is slow. I have no idea why X-Buster is much more useful than those special weapons....I didn't really use special weapons to beat the game. Power-up chips are not useful as well. The "Power" chip only will increase the range of X-Buster or Axl gun, not the real power. So here is the problem, is it gonna help if the gun range is increased? You won't be able to use Megaman X when you start, but you will be. How? Megaman X will say "Oh man, I don't wanna fight, but I will. This will be the last time". He tells himself and he goes off to the warzone. I really don't know why he became this fickle. Also, in the game, Zero is useless. His sword is strong if it hits, but if you can't hit any of enemies with the sword, then he is just a cheap machine. Well, the range is not long, so it's pretty hard to hit the enemies, and since the maps are 3D, it's kind of hard to figure out when to swing your sword when you have to face your enemy in front. OH well, all just everything doesn't seem make sense at all, and I have no idea why Megaman X became cheep 3D graphics first of all. Megaman X became a whiner, Zero became a useless machine(being treated as Axl)....oh great. Capcom should have put an end to Megaman X with Megaman X6, or X4. Good things would be....well, I don't see any good points here, but it would be the only thing...it's still a Megaman X.