ok when i first played this game, it seemed horrible already. the grafics when playing are ok, but the cut sences are terrible. the mouth doesnnt even move. with the new 3D playing style, the camera angles is extremly anyoing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont waste ur money on this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aside from the looks of it, the game's gameplay is hard mostly because of the camera, ur target is behide u and u cant turn the camera to see them and they attack u from behide. thts just wrong. if u buy this, save to reseat to return it!!!!!!! i meen rele the past game were so good i would play them for hours but this, this is a dissapoint ment to every1 who would ever even buy 1 game of the mega man x seirse
I find this to be a decent game. Some Mega Man fans I know over the internet seem to be too harsh on this game. Now will comment on the Gameplay, graphics etc.: Gameplay: This gameplay can be slow and confusing and Ax... Read Full Review
Now let me start by saying that i'm a huge MMX fan, always have been, always will be, for a while i was used to the normal side scrolling MMX games, but i always wondered how it would be in 3D, and well, it happened, and... Read Full Review