For starters, I might be a little bias when it comes to any game in the Megaman series. After all, I've been playing since around MM 5. That's a lot of games and a lot of hours [probably days in total] spent shooting enemies with the famed X-Buster! Now, down to business; X8 should probably be regarded by hardcore Megaman fans as the best in series. It totally surpasses X7, which was way too hard to figure out what was going on. I can honestly say I have no complaints with this game. Capcom let everybody know that Megaman was not dead! Now I'm just waiting for X9, if it ever happens, and the only advice I could give Capcom on X9 is: MAKE A TWO PLAYER MEGAMAN GAME! PLEASE!!!!
Before I start, I'll get one fact straight: Megaman X7 was horrible. Now then, let's get started. The story: Whaddaya expect? It's a Megaman game. Only this time, things are a bit different. Humans have begun to move ... Read Full Review
The Megaman series has always been about walking around, blasting robots, and eventually getting the bosses weapon. X7 messed around with the formula by having 3D segments which were horrible. Capcom, in a move to get th... Read Full Review