Megaman X8 Thank god it wasn't like X7 But they couldve still tried the 3D Graghics instead of that ride chaser level which was half-decent actually but quite frustrating , but the game had a decent plot and storyline typical of capcom to make cheap anime cut-scenes though, the game i actually quite tough on hard mode but on easy mode its pi*s easy to get the true ending you need to play hard mode, so overall good game decent plot lets hope Capcom makes X9 f it makes X9 different in 3D and better and also hopefully on the Wii!
Before I start, I'll get one fact straight: Megaman X7 was horrible. Now then, let's get started. The story: Whaddaya expect? It's a Megaman game. Only this time, things are a bit different. Humans have begun to move ... Read Full Review
The Megaman series has always been about walking around, blasting robots, and eventually getting the bosses weapon. X7 messed around with the formula by having 3D segments which were horrible. Capcom, in a move to get th... Read Full Review