Pretty much like the other titles in series, still hard to beat

User Rating: 8 | Mega Man Zero 4 GBA
The gameplay of megaman zero 4 is pretty much the same as in previous titles. After intro-stages there are eight missions to choose from and random missions interrupt after every few missions. In the end there's also the final stage, making total of stages 16.

Zero has one new weapon, the zero knuckle which can be used to steal enemies weapons or certain components like key-cards.Enemies also drop different kind of chips, which can be used to build new equipment for zero. Recipes for new equipment can be found by talking random people or listening cyber-elf's hints. Using the zero knuckle is only required in story few times, so if the player doesn't want to use it there's also old reliable z-sabre and blaster to use. Zero still has cyber-elf helping him, which can be upgraded by collecting e-crystals. The elf can boost zero's health, attack or movement abilities. After clearing stage boss zero gets his special power, ex-skill. There are total of eight ex-skills: four for saber and four for blaster.

Stages have a option to change weather conditions which makes them harder by giving enemies advantages, like covering the floor with ice or creating strong wind, but if you play the stage on easier weather-setting you wont be able to get bosses ex-skills.
The gameplay difficulty is really hard, so the game isn't really friendly towards newcomers. Dashing is required all the time in order to avoid enemy fire and bosses special attacks. However there is an easy mode, but you wont be able to get any of the ex-skills on this setting even if you play the stages on harder weather conditions.

After clearing game on normal there's still hard and ultimate mode to go, and even the normal mode can be hard enough for some players. So even though the game is fun the difficulty level makes some parts really frustrating lowering the overall gameplay experience.