For your DS this is the best side scrolling shooter you can find. Get it... but at least try it.

User Rating: 8.6 | RockMan ZX DS
Incredible, at first i was skepticle about touch screen add-on gameplay and the new mission system but those fears were subsided. The touch screen is barely used which is for the better cause as buttons are the best controls for a mega man game. Also the mission system is kinda weird but is okay after a while. The choice of playing as a boy or a girl is also cool. These three new things stand out the most of ZX and make it a great new addition in the mega man saga... theres more to this review dont worry or maybe you should as this is only ny second review.

Gameplay- 9
Nothing wrong with traditional slash-blast-destroy mega man gameplay right? only thing wrong with the gameplay is the awkward mission system but it gets easier too use over time. The controls are also the definition of perfection... like all mega man games.

Graphics- 8
The new transformations are pretty sweet and each has a cool look and there are a couple of cutscenes that are neat. Overall though the graphics are nice to look at and they hold up well.

Sound- 8 Each area in ZX has different music that stands out and there is a couple of japanese voice acting parts that sound pretty good. The saber sound effects are different for the models and the weapons are different too.

Value- 8
All mega man side scrollers last a good 5 to 8 hours but they have a ton of replay value, so the time could be at least ten hours that the card stays in your DS.

Tilt- 9
it's tilty?

One more thing, mega man games are hardcore tough challenges but ZX is a bit easier than previous ones but i would say that the bosses are a let down as one can usually look foward to the first time you meet a boss that it is just going to end up with the game over screen and it is really just a time to get used to their moves and attacks. In ZX you could probably beat a boss on your first try on normal mode given that this isn't your first mega man game.