Mega Dimension Neptunia VII is a mixed bag, to be honest the first play-though doesn't really do the game justice as it suffers from fairly significant balance problems which will lead to frustration and unnecessary game-over situations especially in certain story arcs, these problems is what most people will face it most likely will lead to some negative reviews or complaints, however that being said - if you force your way though some of the tough sections and you'll find some really great story lines and jokes, and of course classic Nep moments.
My two-cents about the balance issues is that, certain sections when you are controlling just one CPU in a weakened state, make the monster encounters limited to a maximum of 3 instead of occasionally getting 6 which often leads to game over situations without the playing having any chance.
The characters are all well balanced, the new CPU Uzume has a really great personality and her voice actress did a great job - I really hope she'll show up in future games since she was just great. I'd still prefer the old Vert voice actress but the new one still does good enough job. The new Next-Form I think is under-utilized, whilst really cool looking.
Fan Service is more significant in Megadimension and I actually applaude IF for not censoring as much as they could have, especially bathing scenes and panty shots are alot more common than previous games. But still, its all fairly mild.
The story, now honestly - its very good, actually better than previous games and the different dimension arcs really do work quite well, this is something they should do more often in future games provided they have balance the game better.
The graphics are not really improved that much over Victory, just added graphic effects like Bloom for instance, I'm guessing Megadimension Neptunia VII could have also been released on PS3 in a cut-down state since it really doesn't do that much different from the previous games. Whilst I don't really have anything positive to say about the graphics, I don't really have anything negative either - its all passable.
The sound and music has obviously been recycled again, there really isn't any real need to add that much new music and effects, since it works fine with the setting, a few of the new music scores especially giant CPU battle music is awesome and fits the scene perfectly.
Alot of dungeons have been recycled so the layouts are nearly identical, a few new dungeons feel like they didn't really try, such as the throw-back to classic 3D dungeons without any textures just lined vectors and some of the golden summit dungeons can get annoying on the first play-thoughs. Even though there is alot of padding, recycled dungeons and textures, it still all works and feels comfortable but I would like to see a future game branch out even more.
I think this game can only truely be reviewed fairly once its been full completed with all endings unlocked before you can really be fair. This is certainly a game that grows on you with time, you'll have sad moments, frustrating moments and you'll have some fun and exciting moments too, and I was sad when I got the platinum trophy and knew - I had truly finished the game and enjoyed it.