This is another, war game set in the Vietnam era, but this is game is a bit better then the rest, albeit hard as hell.

User Rating: 7.8 | Men of Valor PC
Yeap, another war game in the Vietnam theater, and yeap we are shooting anything and everything that move, including villagers, kids, innocents. Unlike some of the rest, this is really well done, the graphics are good, but you will need a lot of system to runs this on, and the sound is decent, though I didn’t hear it in 5.1 surround sound, which is too bad, because in the jungle, you don’t always know which direction they are coming from. Though there isn’t anything mind blowing in the game, I do like that, for the first time, we seeing the game in the eyes of a black combatant, that was something that really interested me. The game also, along with a lot of blood, has a lot, and I do mean a lot of bad language. Made me feel like what they had to be seeing and hearing during that most freighting of times, not sure where the next round would come from. The game also has some odd things about it, the moving around is a bit odd, if you are in a certain position you can’t move forward, or side to side, took a bit to get use to it. The one thing that really bug me about this game, and why I didn’t give it an awesome score, is, this game is very, very hard! Be ready to die a lot! Way more then I would care to have to. On top of that, the save when you get to a certain spot feature, really, really sucks, also be ready to play the same mission over and over. For the most part, this is a decent game, with a high overhead, and a very sucky save system.