My Men of Valor Review

User Rating: 7 | Men of Valor PC
I am about 2/3 through this game for the first time. The game graphics are good. The controls are typical, which is good. no need to learn new keys, etc. The realism seems to be good as far as the historical time line. Note that I was not there. Hit shots(damage) are accurate as to where the enemy or yourself are hit. The constant application of bandages is annoying, but acceptable. The gameplay does require some thought tactically. This is not a rush in blow em away game. You will die. Annoyances: Re-spawning of enemies is unrelenting until a certain point is made. Lack of quick save results in playing the same area over and over until sucess to the next level, or shutting the d_ _ _ thing off. This is the most annoying aspect of the game. Pedro