Men of Valor is too frustrating and extremely drudging to be recommendable to almost anybody.

User Rating: 5 | Men of Valor PC
When it comes to good Vietnam War shooters, most people would probably answer with "Battlefield Vietnam" or something along those lines. Vietnam shooters aren't all too popular, usually because they are becoming overshadowed by World War II shooters, such as Medal of Honor, and Call of Duty. But every now and then, Vietnam shooters are still being released, and one of them that fits in is Men of Valor. Men of Valor is, well, obviously a Vietnam shooter, which is also obviously set in the era of the Vietnam War. It's in the early stages of the Vietnam War, and it puts you in control of a young, valor marine who goes by Dean Shepard. He's your average marine fellow who pretty much becomes the hero throughout the game. Apparently, Men of Valor also has a story you must follow. Really, some cutscenes and parts of the story were "borrowed" from famous war movies like "Full Metal Jacket", which was actually a superb movie. Developers of Men of Valor, 2015, tried to add a bit of realism, and some good useful ideas from movies to put part into their game. Sadly, pretty much everything is wrong with Men of Valor, and the new ideas and suggestions don't make much of a difference when it comes to rating the gameplay. First off, the really frustrating thing about Men of Valor, is it's horrific save system. Every now and then, I'll be able to see the "saving progress" sentence as it pops up on my screen. Sure, while it's saving, and if somehow I get killed or whatever, I'll start back here and continue on my way once again. Of course it worked, but if I wanted to shut down the game and play it later, I wouldn't go back to that last save point. I'll be back in the beginning of the chapter I was at. This led to too many revisits among the same levels, doing the same things I didn't intend to. It's really frustrating, and the game really sets your mind to finish up the chapter you're on, and shut off the game when you moved onto the next chapter. Usually the cutscenes are sweet and short, but when there's too much of them in a single sitting of play, that's when it really gets annoying. Even after watching it a second or third time, I can't bypass them and move onto the real game. They're actually fun watching them the first time, but afterwards they get too repetitive, and you're left unable to skip them. Although if you like cutscenes a lot, or like watching cutscenes all too often, then you wouldn't really have a problem anyways. The enemy A.I. isn't really all that amazing or outstanding. They do take cover behind trees, rocks, houses, and whatnot, and they use simple tactics and strategies to get you killed, but that's about all they can do. They're too easy to kill once you have them where you want, and somehow the enemies have very obvious patterns that you can get used to in around a few playthroughs. You can actually study the enemy a few times, and soon enough you'll get their ways and patterns, which really won't add any fun to the gameplay. Men of Valor definitely won't keep you occupied for a while. The single-player is too much of a chore to go through again and again, and it really gets too easy even if you do have the courage to go through it again. The single-player is just too frustrating and very dull and boring, and you still have it's flaws such as the save system within the game. It's just a simple game that'll have you yawning not long after you start playing. Men of Valor, despite it's flaws with gameplay, does look good in terms of graphics. Character models looked detailed, but they could of looked a lot better. Weapon models didn't surprise me at all, as most of these weapons have been seen in other popular shooting games. Men of Valor surely didn't make these weapon models more detailed than other games, but they are above average, at best. The jungle terrain, trees, houses, vehicles, and anything like that looked well presented, but some of these objects and items actually clip through other items, and even clip through you. It's not a major annoyance or flaw, as it doesn't happen too often. Men of Valor's sound and audio is a bit of a disappointment. I was expecting much more effort in the sound department, since most shooters have well-done sound. Character voices seemed somewhat "unrealistic", and the voices felt dull, if they were acting as if they weren't really even in the war. They do yell frantically and give out commands, but you can easily tell the actors done a bad job trying to set the realism in the game with their voices. Weapon sounds sounded mediocre at best, and most weapons sounded like their real life counterparts, but somehow toned down a bit. Everything else that had to do with sound such as helicopters and airplanes also sounded good, but really they could of been more better if 2015 had put just a bit more effort into it. Men of Valor really does have just a few good things going for it. Graphics are possibly the best part about the game, as it does look pretty, but even the graphics, as the best part of the game, has it's flaws. Clipping issues are found here and there, but they're not all that bad. What really makes Men of Valor such a mediocre game is it's execrable save system. It's frustrating as it is, and requires a lot more of your time to put in. It's a weird working save system, and it just doesn't fit in at all with this type of game. Enemy A.I. isn't all too terrific, and the sound is quite disappointing for a shooting game. Men of Valor comes off as a frustrating game to learn, and once you actually get the hang of it, it'll become extremely boring afterwards. Men of Valor could have been a lot more, but essentially it has too many flaws to be recommendable to almost anyone.