pretty good game
User Rating: 7.5 | Men of Valor XBOX
The game has good gameplay, solid story line ,and fun multiplayer. the gameplay is smart and innovative. From bloop gun grenade lauchers and m14s to c4 and napalm strikes you can take out your enemyhowever you want. A feature not seen in most games is that you can't just pick up a gun or health you have tosearch the body of your enemy for stuff. Watch out for pole mines and trip wires because this game takes you right back to the 1960's vietnamese jungle where booby traps are around every corner and every tree. The story line is solid because it tells the story of the actual stories and you understand the background behind all the characters. The multiplayer is awesome if you can figure it all out because often times your opponents have little tricks. the game wasn't the best, because the graphics weren't amazing and your enemys kill very easily making the game almost too challenging even for hardcore gamers to handle.