Men Of Valor -A hard Look @ Reality
era war. This gane is almost like it really was,except for the foul language,
the enemy floats like halloween trick or treaters in a 3D movie.The levels are ungodly hard even on easy. Even on a high end gaming machine ones mouse freezes and unless one is standing,crawling to exactly the right trip point in the game hes killed from unseen VC (probably the ghosts).Then
without being able to save the game your sent back to the beginning of the level. Which is the most stupid thing ever put into a otherwise bad game.The game developers must have developed this game on a low end no name machine. Alien which in my opionion puts out the best gaming machine out there,well this game cannot be played on a high end machine made for gaming.Marines run around with no guns in there hands,boobie
traps blow up long after one is past them,VC pop up from so called spider holes after one has past by them for 5 or 6 clicks,leaving player with the thought hmmmm what was that?Get a grip developers this game is not
even close to the Call of Duty series which the best war game ever developed and worth every penny anyone pays for it.If one gave me the Men of Valor game I would not waste my time installing it on my PC.
There is no nanana tech support what so ever.If there is its well hidden
Gamers have a look at thier community support pages,I think there where 40 complaints and nothing else.All the great smart gamers in the know will not buy or play this useless software.What a waste of time guys.Its good for a movie type cut scenes which are the only true reality of this game.I am a
Viet-Nam grunt from the viet-nam era.You guys (the developers) need
a real education in war history and after that you need to be educated into developing a pc game fit for pc's or mac's. Men of Valor yukkkk and I am being nice!