Men Of Valor: A bargin-bin game that's worth the price!
User Rating: 7.7 | Men of Valor PC
Okay, first off, I'll say this: This game requires more nerves than skill....mainly because it'll frustrate you from the moment you start it til you get the hang of it, and you will probably get it in about a hour, hence the hour learning curve time. Now, on to the review! This game has alot of good points as well as alot of bad ones..the graphics are subpar on even the most jacked up systems, I've tried it on a intel 1.8 with 128 Vram, and a 64-bit xp 3000+ with 2Gig of Vram..choppy and chunky....good sound though, I must say..ambient sounds of the lush surroundings and gunshots, grenades, heli-strikes, etc. The Models look incredibly sharp for such half-butted environments..makes you wonder what portion of the game the developers were on when they realized how dinky their paychecks were gonna be. The story starts with your character playing football with the guys when a strike comes along and whollops some place in the near distance, again, I give credit to the sound it is amazing. This is to be a short first-review for me so here goes: The graphics are subpar on any system, the models are sharp on high-end to medium-end systems, multiplayer isn't worth it's salt with spawn-killers and only one known, used server (though if you have a strong cable WIRED not wireless internet connection you can EASILY run a server off a little 166 or any pc) the story line is liner without any variety of missions most missions are tricky they barely give you direction of what the heck you're supposed to do and where to go and if you go too far out of range you fail mission..weird. Sound is incredible on any standard system with even standard speaker setup, installation is a pain in the wazoo with a 5-disc install setup and the keycode is printed small as heck on the sleeve of the first disc and they don't even tell you I had to root for it..but I got my copy for 5 bucks and if you can keep it under 10 bucks you get yourself a okay game that has a semi-long storyline (as of print of this review i haven't finished it so I cannot make any judgements of the story except that it's liner ) with standable graphics and great sound and splended entertainment through and through dispite the bad points..PS the ammo cheat GS has is wrong, the cheat say's "note the space....the space is wrong there is no space the cheat works without the space and not with..THEY NEED TO PUT A EDIT CHEAT OPTION ON THE REVIEW PAGES FOR GAMES) Have fun! -=Canablis=-