For once, I think the Gamespot review is just about right
A.I.-- I don't see anything "Intelligent" in the artificial intelligence. It really is pretty bad. One time i was crouch right next to a VC (viet cong, the bad guys) and he didn't shoot at me or anything. Instances as bad as that aren't too often, but they shouldn't ever happen. Otherwise the enemies just run around like chickens with their heads cut off, shooting (difficult obviously determining accuracy) at my squad-mates and I. Speaking of squad mate, they're not worthless, but close. They don't do much. They'll fire and hit enemies, but not enough times to actually kill anyone. Yes, in this game you're a one man army. Graphics: Not horrible but there's so much better available. Cut scenes look alright but not great. In game is a little better than Medal of Honor: Frontline. I'm not graphics obsessive so they don't really detract from the game. For what it's worth, the landscape actually does look pretty decent. Sound: The best part of this game. Great sound. Be warned there is a lot of profanity, but you do have the option of turning down all dialogue, so don't let that deter you. Guns sound great. Replay Value: I can't see myself playing this much more after I beat the campaign. I haven't played co-op yet, but my friends and I play co-op games all the time and we will probably have a lot of fun playing this game. Overall: There truly is some fun to be had with this game; if you can't find it to rent, I'll say that it's worth $10 to buy. Not more though, considering the quality of the games now available for $20 (Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood, for one example).