i would never know that a war game could be so SAFE
User Rating: 7.5 | Men of Valor XBOX
Men of valor? Wat the hell is that well its a game that is set in the vietnam war but its so safe like tonights marlins game. I dont know theres just very many thing that they tried to copy its almost like a parodie of call of duty yea a one thats mediocre.First my major problem is the potty mouth its so ridiculous but its like all you hear in the voices u hear f this f that its something a little six year old would like its like nfl blitz mid way messed it all up with potty langauge and intense violence its just just dumb!other things is its just i dont no its so corny like if your going to make a call of duty mimmicker dont make it about the vietnam war talk about world war 2 and the zooomings horrible all you see is the cousur get skinnier and red when you spot and enimie i dont know just dont buy just rent beacause it wont entertain you for years