Good morning Vietnam.
Graphics are the best you can get from this game: they are so realistic that you can easily imagine yourself in a jungle, you can hide yourself in the grass, or in a bush, but beware because enemies can perform the same tactics.
But what makes me dubious about this game is its gameplay.
Basically, it’s very realistic: if you get shot you immediately start bleeding, and you have to heal yourself if you don’t want to bleeding to death. Unfortunately you’ll be shot many times, even at an easy difficulty level.
Forget about jumping in the middle of the action with your M16: MoV is a game where a lot of patience is necessary.
So you’ll spend most of time, I’d say about 95% of it, keeping hidden behind a tree, a rock or any kind of shelter you can find, tamponing your wounds, creeping, and aiming the most precisely as possible vietcongs hiding themselves and shooting from everywhere: very boring. To make everything more difficult, grenades launches and grenade launcher are extremely inaccurate, so if you have to destroy a bunker or a trench keep the fingers of your hands (and of your feet) crossed.
Do you think it’s enough to get on your nerves? Well it’s not finished: missions are very long and stressing, and in spite of the checkpoints, you can actually save your progress only at the end of the level.
“Charlie” is smart and he’s in his natural environment.
So the game is the most challenging fps I’ve ever played, even at an easy difficulty level.
Soundtracks of that time are available; decent sound effects, especially our team mates’ screams of pain and Vietnamese language.
MoV is not a terrible game, but I can’t stand its excessive and too many times frustrating difficulty: fortunately it’s just a videogame, not real war.