Very Nearly an Excellant Game. A few more months in development would have helped this game enormously.
Other reviews of this game by Gamespot patrons give some valid points as well and should be held in consideration.
As a fan of FPS pc games especially anything got to do with the Vietnam War this game is enjoyable to play.
A number of PC games set in NAM have been hit or miss but while this game doesn't quite hit the bull's-eye it isn't to far off it either.
While the majority of Vietnam games are set in the jungle this game thankfully delves into urban warfare also. A number of missions are set in HUEY and CHOLON and do a fantasic job of creating the atmosphere of urban conflict. Assaulting ancient Buddhist Temples, roaming through VC and NVA infested streets can be nerve-wracking.
The TET offensive is particular played out well.
The Annoying:
The save system is perhaps the single biggest aggravating element of
Men Of Valor, because saves are automatic you have to complete practically entire levels of gameplay. Inevitably this leads to entire sections being replayed while often you end up being killed in the same place. This is especially true in the Tunnel section.
Some of the animations in the game appear a bit laggy, as mentioned in the official review; a soldier gliding is one example, fellow soldiers talking and no mouth movements, drinking from invisible canteens. While not being a major flaw it could have been corrected before release.
While in the jungle a lack of ammo in various parts can be a nightmare as NVA appear from nowhere and can be difficult to kill at long range.
I am definitely not a fan of the aiming system or the use of the sight/reticule in the game at all.
The enemy AI is not especially good either. You could empty a whole clip into an enemy just a few feet away and he would still live as happened in one area " Clearing the Hamlet".
In one level "Night Trip" you man a PBR. This part is almost completely scripted from "Apocalypse Now". It even has the Labrador puppy. This part was particularly laggy on my PC, which irritated me no end. This is one genuine criticism of Men Of Valor. Certain areas seem not to run smoothly as others despite using a high end PC.
The Good:
The atmosphere created is fantastic especially with the use of music. Classic Nam era tunes (my favourite Incense and Peppermints) really create the ambience of this era
"In the Midnight Hour" and "California Dreaming" can be heard playing while roaming in an APC or on the radio somewhere.
You play a character called Shepard or "Shep" a black marine. Racial tensions and the interacting between Officers and recruits play a role in Men of Valor. Letters read aloud (being sent and received by yourself and your family) give a glimpse of what people thought of the war in the US at the time and add a personal dimension to the game.
Levels are not just confined to the jungle. Storming the American Embassy and clearing streets destroyed by bombing are thoroughly enjoyable graphically to watch and play.
For me the saving grace of this game is the multiplayer. There is only a handful of servers out there but they are continuously on. The maps are terrific to play with my favourites being The Embassy, Reclaiming Cholon. It's refreshing to play as a VC or NVA and use their weapons. Speaking of weapons M-79 (Blooper gun) is great to use.
This game was developed by 2015 that brought us Medal of Honor however I can't say this game exceeds MOH but is a stroke or two below par of MOH.
Definitely a good FPS .It is one of the best games out there set in Vietnam if not the best so far made.
However I am still waiting for the Call of Duty or Medal of Honour standard to be applied to the Vietnam War. This game nearly reaches it but not quite, which disappointed others and me out there in the PC gaming community.
I couldn't review this game without adding the following " Dear Mr and Mrs Roland Shepard". A sentence unfortunately I am all too familiar with. It plays every time you get killed. Your CO writes to you family to inform them of your death.
In conclusion this game does have its faults. However for me the enjoyable aspects of the game outweigh the failings in some areas. I would definitely recommend this game but with a caveat.