Although atfirst intrigued, i was overall dissapointed with this game

User Rating: 7.9 | Men of Valor XBOX
Men of valor reminds me a little bit of Call of Duty which is a top notch game. However, i was underwhelmed by this game and I feel that there is something great behind this game, it just needs slightly better development. Men of Valor is a good game, not much better then that. The gameplay is basic fundementals of a FPS, run, shoot, kill. The game adds in a sense of empowerment from the veitnam perspective, but otherwise it is merely a basic FPS. you do simple shoot to kill and rescue missions across various areas. There are several vehicles you can ride in at times, but its a smaller scalled down version of the much better game battlefield 1942. Overall, men of valor is decent, but built largely off of the success of other games, you are better off waiting for call of duty.