I've played them all for the XBOX and this one beats them all bar none. Although I don't believe it did live up to the hype, the more you get into it the more fun it is to play. Gameplay is a little jumpy, but the graphics are pretty dang good in my opinion. The sound in this game is also great. One of my only complaints is the AI (both enemy and team). Sometimes the enemy AI are just flat out stupid. I can be standing up and they will shoot at me forever without hitting me. On the other hand I can be crawling through the grass and get blasted...it's just not very consistent. Now for the team AI these guys are also hit and miss. I see them shooting all the time, but I rarely find them hitting anybody. Now don't get me wrong, they do come through in some circumstances, but I think it could definately be better. As I stated above this is a really fun game, but it just wasn't all that it was cracked up to be.
Men of valor at a first look it looks like every other first person historical shooter. The main difference is the location, this one focus is on the Vietnam conflict. This game starts off simple enough including the ... Read Full Review
Men of Valor is one of those largely un-noticed games that surprise you by being really good. It has a decent story and good gameplay and should provide you with 20+ hours of fun. The grapics aren't very good by today... Read Full Review