the game very solid, and not judged how it should have been
User Rating: 8.6 | Men of Valor PC
I heard very mixed reviews about this game initially. But since I love war-based FPS games, I decided to give it a go. I was very suprised at how good this game was, but there are some bugs and glitches that could hamper the experience for certain people. The single player campaign is decent. To make a long story short, there are a ton of ambushes in this game. 2015 did a good job in creating the whole chaotic atmosphere of 1970's Vietnam. One of the best parts of the game has to be the graphics. The jungle is convincingly created and there are LOTS of places for people to hide. That means you will be going prone or crawling a lot. Partially to sneak up on other people, and also to avoid those nasty amushes. There are lots of them in this game, along with plently of booby traps and other nasty things that will get you killed quickly. In fact, if you go guns blazing, you are are as good as dead. (For instance, at one of the early stages you will have to charge on a hill top and release a smoke grenade to call for an air strike. If you decided to try and run and gun your way to the top of the hill, drop a grenade and will most certainly be killed by the VCs hiding in the bushes or in one of those really nasty machine gun placements.) The sense of chaos is a battle is very well created. Your squadmates will curse (a lot) and you will constanly see bullets whizzing by over your head. And don't forget there are plenty of snipers ready for a head shot, assuming you don't die by accidentally walking on a trip wire. The sense of insane jungle/urban combat is well done here. But there are problems too. For example, your AI companions have a nasty habit of running in front of you, which in turn can throw you off your bearings and get you killed. At times the VCs can be quite smart, but other times they just mindlessly charge you w/o even pulling out their weapons. And there were times I saw my squadmates stand about 2 feet from the VC and nobody pull the trigger. That kind of hurts the realism of the game. Multiplayer is probably my favorite part of the game. The maps are excellent and there are a LOT of bushes that you can hide in. That means great ambush opportunities and also makes for lots of great sniping fodder. The sound is awesome in multiplayer too. You can go for long stretches of silence, execpt for the occassional ambient sound of rustling grass and bird calls. But you can discern the location of hidden foes by the distant sound of gun fire, yelling or even the sound of birds rustling away as people walking under crtain bushes. It's a very visceral and intense multiplayer experience. Another good element of note is the fact that you are invulnerable in the beginning of each respawn. That means no stupid spawn campers can hang out and pick you off as you and your teammates respawn. I wish more FPS games would have this feature. Overall it is a decent experience, but it has its flaws. You will run into times when you inexplicably get booted to the main screen if an online game is not available, but that's a minor gripe. Overall the game is a good surprise and should satisfty fans of historical FPS shooters like Call of Duty (which is still much better).