A console port way too hard without saves. Looks like it's 4 years old

User Rating: 3.3 | Men of Valor PC
This game was really disappointing. The graphics engine is the same used in deusex invisible war and theif 3. I've you have played those games - then you understand what I mean by a dated poor performing graphics engine. Stay away from games like this - with the unreal warfare engine - it's just awful. The entire game is like storming the beaches of normandy in the original Medal of Honor. You are constantly fighting against hordes of vietnames and it takes hours to get past each save checkpoint. If you have invested an hour in battle and have to do something else - you better leave your machine running the the game on - or you will have to do that hour all over again. I will never buy a console port again. This is the last time. I didn't buy a GEFORCE 6800 UItra to look at crappy graphics like this.