well, could be much beter than it is.
MOW Vietnam, is sort of disappointment to me. I am not gonna complain about the dificulty of the game, wont complain about luck of improvement of friendly and emeny AI. Graphics are all right, compering to other stategy games, and MOW always looked good enough on my 46 inch screen.
i will say it short and simple... this games lucks realism and lucks the huge battlefields of previous games. basically from the first mission, you are left with 3-8 men, against huge forces of 20-50 enemy soldiers. obviosly, there is a way to win every battle. there is always an option to save the game every minute or so.... to restart countless times.
but i am not a fan of loosing one soldier in the beginning of the mission, that forces you to restart. since previous instalments didnt rely to save every single soldier in order to win the battle, this game is all about micro managing individual soldier before entering a fight. previosly, i also spent lots of time upgrading inventories, picking up weapons and etc. but i never relied on saving every single soldier, as there was always back ups waiting to enter a battlefield. i do need some sort of points in order to buy this extra soldier or vehicle. oh, and there is no more option to revive fallen comrades. something that makes the game even harder than it is. plain stupid hard.
MOW Vietnam could be easily a 9 out of 10 game. i will rate it as a 7 only due to me being a huge fan.