Probably easier to of fought in the Vietnam war
Vietnam however.... I simply cant defend.
Maybe I can see 1C's idea of making a realistic game, but this is more than realistic.
I know there was a lot of single, few troop platoons in the vietnam war, but lets take the first mission. Fair enough there was more of you until the chopper blew up the convoy. But why would the group leader think "I know, lets go (us 4) to the main enemy base with 100's of enemys and 3 choppers ready to be flown by them, to take a vehicle and escape". Just before you get to that base there is a truck, fair enough the whole thing is red (the whole lots damaged) but surely if they are trying to get realism into it, why cant you just find parts on other damaged vehicles or your blown up convoy to repair it.
Worse still, once you get to the enemy base and clear it out of enemys. The 3 trucks you find are all also damaged. So nows the chance they have to combine the truck parts and escape???? nope....
You have to go down by the river guarded by a load more enemys and take the rover boat.... But then you get to the boat and to top it all off.... Its out of fuel.
You then have to advance to an old temple... with 10 or more enemys, take them out and grab a fuel can....
Just as you think "phew I made it". a platoon of 20 enemys come charging towards the temple ruins, and the same amount run to set up an ambush on the opposite side of the river that the boat is.
If you have even 1 guy who has been killed already from your party of 4 then dont even think of fighting all them guys... Your best bet is to run to the boat as quick as poss, quickly fill the boat up (Its buggy filling it up, twice I filled it up, and got it with nothing happening) and get in.
I luckily managed to do it and went on to start the second mission hoping there would be a huge battle containing high numbers of troops on each side.... No chance.
You start on a boat... Just 4 guys. You automatically pull in to shore, having been given the objective of meeting with your contact.... and get ambushed by over 20 enemys. I tried to get the guys out of the boat quick to crawl onto the shore and attack. 1 of the problems with all MOW games happened, where you try to get them off a boat direct to shore, but they get stuck in the water and swim back and forth until they die. I lost 2 guys that way and the other 2 were lucky.
As soon as all the enemys were killed I advanced on shore to see my contact, who was dead and it was a failed primary objective. Thought the game would end, but it opened new objectives (maybe he was meant to die?). To find fuel, a new boat and something else in different areas of the map which was swarmed with enemys.
Gave it a few more minutes. But with my 2 guys I knew it would be a massive struggle where I would be constantly reloading which I just couldnt be bothered to do.
Its harder than any other MOW game. Unfair amounts of enemys. Has the same bugs and annoyances as other MOW games have (your guys not responding, shooting when they shouldnt, moving when they shouldnt).
Its not only the fact its harder that I hate. Its again the reload times.
If you take a game like fallout. Massive worlds. The type of game where you could put 100 hours of game time into. If you need to reload its barely a few seconds.
With MOWV being so hard you will need to reload a lot of times. The problem with all MOW games is it seems stuff that has loaded doesnt get cached. This means every time you reload a save... Even if its from a few seconds earlier... It reloads the whole level from scratch. That was especially annoying in "condemned heroes" on missions with a lot of buildings that could take a minute or so to reload. MOWV takes about 30 seconds to reload.... Still too long.
I hate not finishing games I buy, but I just cant play Vietnam for another second :(