Still laden with problems, even with a whole franchise under their belt...

User Rating: 6 | Men of War PC
I have all of the games in this series - faces of war, soldiers: heroes of WWII, and these men of war games. They all have the same problems... and that is control. Simply put, there are just too many choices to make while deploying your troops, and half the time, they don't even work!

First off, the standard movement setting for your soldiers is "advance". This means, if there is no direct threat, they will move forward to engage the enemy. I can't possibly see any reason to use this, unless you were planning on throwing away your precious soldiers/vehicles. More often than not, I will move my solders to solid defensive positions while i try to figure out what the heck is going on with the given map. Before I know it, half my men are dead, pathetically trying to throw grenades at machine guns firing at point blank!

That's another thing... If you just select your squad, and click for them to say, neutralize an MG, half of them will run our of cover into DIRECT fire, take 5 seconds to pull out a nade, and finally lob it with no attempt of cooking. End result is usually 50% casualties and a re-manned machine gun...

Luckily the direct fire mode comes into play, but in that case you are using only one soldier at a time. That was ok in the first few games, but in Men of War, you are given a LOT to work with... I usually end up only using one squad, and arming them to the teeth with a bit of everything... It works, but you shouldn't have to do that, that's just crappy programming...

That's what this whole game is to me, crappy programming. Did they even play it through? Did they play any of them? There are so many frustrating problems throughout this series that, if I were not an avid WWII buff, I wouldn't play these games. they are just too frustrating...

Kind of off topic, but I would STRONGLY recommend the new "Normandy 1944" mod for COH tales of valor (if you have it), which is pretty much like getting "Rome:Total Realism" for RTW. It turns the game into what it should have been, adding tons of new units, 12, count em, 12 battle doctrines, all with 3 sub doctrines (so awesome), increasing squad sizes, and making things freaking die like they should... seriously, get it..