A really fun game, but has its flaws.
The Graphics are not great, but there not horrid. However, Pandemic didn't make this out to be graphically on-par with GTA. The real beauty is in the explosions. I have never seen such a pretty fireball coming from a Bunker Buster dropped on a fortified position anywhere. When it comes down to the cars, their not as richly detailed as i had hoped to be. And whenever i think that, i just blow up a tank and i'm good.
The Game play is incredibly fun. Hopping in a tank or a chopper and having your way with the Venezuelan landscape is just plain awesome. I am never bored when i pop in Mercenaries 2. I just ask myself how much I can obliterate before I decide to drive around on a bike. You have PDA, much like the first, but it is easy and simple to use. on the map screen, you can select any factions icon and see if they have any available work for you. To set up an Air strike, Get Supplies, Or drop in a Buggy,press right trigger to get to the Stockpile screen, select one of the main categories, then sub categories( if you're ordering a vehicle) and select it to a slot. you can only have three slots, one for each. I would have liked more, but i can learn to deal.
The Controls are good, but nor great. The tank controls are the same, and they take some getting used to if you haven't been playing Mercenaries 1 for a while. The driving controls are the same, and simplistic. For ordering supplies, you have to press up or down on the d-pad, select the item, press A and your character throws the beacon. You cannot run around while selecting an item. I liked the first ones method of being able to run around with the beacon in your hand and throw it as you please. The controls have stayed the same, and i don't complain.
Mercenaries 2 itself is Great. Coupled with the new additions like new Air Strikes, Weapons, and Vehicles, You can complete weapon challenges offered by Fiona to gain new costumes. Nilson dressed like Lemmy from Motorhead just yells Badassery. Mercenaries 2 is a fun and incredibly expansive sequel to it's predecessor, But people hoping to play GTA 4 with the ability to blow up buildings is just not this game.