A review of Mercs 2 PS3, a review worth reading and i promise no bashing!

User Rating: 8.5 | Mercenaries 2: World in Flames PS3
In this sequel to one of the best PS2 games ever comes Mercs 2. A giant world, many guns, diffrent vehicles, jokes, and a mixs of online offline play makes this game a perfect predosesor.

Yes, this game has some glitchs but they are minor. In 30-40 hours only two floating guns. WOW!

When you start they game you chose your merc. Then you do a basic walkthough and you do a contract and dont get paid, plus you get shot in the butt. So starts the journey to get revenge.

Your second mission is basically claim your HQ fight through a villia wich becomes your new HQ. From here on in you have a place to be sent back to when you die.

The other missions go in 3 formats.

1. Take a base
A. Kill everyone
B. Take out any AA or jammers
C. Destroy any spawn points (buildings that produce enimies)

2. Verify HVT
A. Scout out HVT
B. Kill or Capture HVT

3. Destroy Target
A. Scout area
B. Use any number of attacks

Yes it sound like it repeats many times but it is fun to do each one. If you do just one type over and over yes it is boring but you have to do each in moderation.

That is one reason this game got a low score because they rushed through one section at a time.