Mercenaries 2, a good try to best the original but still not as fun.
Things to complain about that made the game more work than fun are the challanges being insanely too hard. I thought Perfect Dark on the N64 had insane requirements for it's challanges and shooting ranges, but this beat that in difficaulty. One other pet pieve was mainly the character's look pretty well not mercenary like? Attitudes of the characters changed much from the original as well. But one thing that ticks me off more than any other change are the quick time button combo events. YOu know one thing that is insanely frustraiting is the fact I played it on PC, and they show icons like a ammunation clip, boot, hand, eta, when I first started I had no idea what ment what, took me 2 trys to understand clip ment reload button, hand ment melee I got that first try, but the boot was jump, how the heck would I know a boot ment jump? Doesn't help you can not see the icon for longer than a fraction of the second to conprehend what it was. Oh yes hijacking vehicles are now cutscenes *sighs* no longer watching the action around you when you storm a vehicle down a tank barral and beat up the driver.
Personally, this game was a pointless a useless attempt to build on an extremely good original game. The fact it made it to PC this time kind of made me all giddy, also the fact it works on my PC perfectly also makes me kind of glad that my PC can handle a sandbox blow up anything style game.
Plus sides of the game is the fact that it still has all that useless do whatever you want *except killing civilian* fun. Yes I love it, but it doesn't have the same charm in once had, but you can also control large ships now, which is kind of a joy manning a 20mm gattling and riddling the port with large bullets that shred everything but the biggest and most armored vehicles. I love how you now have an HQ building you can go and meet your team, and the online was kind of neat as well, working together with another player was kind of a nice bonus if not unneeded for the game itself, sorry but online play, people don't normally work together in teams very well as my life time experiance has shown, but neither do the AI soldiers you get to come with you.
Over all, the negative parts of the game, like quick time events when hijacking, challanges being nearly impossible to complete, and the pretty self centered characters, and some glitchs, and for PC expect to have driving be a nightmare, because you don't have dual joysticks on a keyboard if your a keyboard mouse person. All the negative aspects almost made me feel like I was wasting my time with the game. It's not even has fun as GTA SA on PC, which is pretty bad since i thought the first Mercenaries game was better than any GTA game I ever played even GTA IV.