If you're looking for some quick fun, this game won't let you down. If you're looking for more you're in the wrong place
Well, and take all the good things of mercs 1, like airstrikes, supplies, lots of vehicles, and factions, and of course destroyable environments( which is really cool ^^)
Well..that's about everything good I can say about the game!
missed oppertunities is a good way do describe this game! Like for example: you jump out of a helicopter that's flying 500 meters over the land, you jump out and you will always stay alive with just "2/100" hp left!? They should had just put a parachute in the game, that would had solved some problems.
Another thing that I thought was really annoying were the one-liners! "Hey it's the merc!","enemy sighted","enemy helicopter sighted!",etc. Ohh no wait, there arent any more, the npc's just keep spamming that every 2 seconds (not overreacting here)
Another issue are the lack of checkpoints. Its possible that you just flew for 10 minutes, you kill everything, but you fail the button combo(which btw also suck,you have to practicly know them or you'll fail, because some times you get 0.5 a second to press the button(like for those who played the game: stealing a helicopter) guess what you have to do? Yep, start from square one.
some game mechanics are weird too, like the sports bike will send you shooting like an uncontrolable bullet
AI is really bad, they can only do 2 things, spam one-liners and missing their shots(exept tanks, they're really annoying >:P)
Over the next 2 things I can't really give you my opinion: multiplayer and the graphics.
Multiplayer simply because I didn't do it, but the developers said they spent alot of time in it, and its probably really fun to shoot nukes with your friend ;p
Graphics because I couldn't quiet test this game on its full potential on my pc because it isnt strong enough, but if you're like me, and you don't really care about graphics then this isnt an issue!
so, if you're looking for some fun: blowing things up with nukes, destroy forts ;o, etc etc, this is something you might want to try! If you're actually looking for something more: let this one pass, because in under 10 hours you'll be all through the storyline