Could Have Been A Lot Better...
User Rating: 6.5 | Mercenaries 2: World in Flames PS3
If your looking for a game with a lot of explosions, Mercenaries has what your looking for. Otherwise the game pretty well misses out on all fronts. It truly hurts me to say that, as there is a really awesome game under all the problems that persist it. The gameplay just doesn't feel right and balanced. As soon as a level starts, bullets fly until it's finished. I found it hard to focus on my objective because I was constantly getting blown to pieces by 3 rocket launchers, a tank, like 10 hummers, a helicopter, and 100 soldiers all at once. The game isn't very realistic either. You can get blown up by 3 rocket launchers and still get back up and brush it off. Blowing things up is really all this game has going for it, which is bad because the environments really aren't that destructible. That problem alone really saps most of the fun out of the only fun thing in this game. Heck, even the graphics look like something on an original Xbox. You might be able to stand to play through this game. If you do, there are a very few moments that might make your day. But very few.