Could Have been but wasn't To Much Hype Not Enough Content What a shame
Well you would be right, according to developer Pandemic for the last 12 months the game has been getting polished. All i can say if what the hell were they using to polish and bug test this game. The official release version was packed full of countless bugs and glitches. Some of these minor and others were game breaking. Luckily because us aussies got it later though we got a patch for it as soon as we started playing.
Anyway on to the main part of the game.
Graphics: 7/10
All i can say is dissapointing. Compared to other modern third person shooters the graphics of this game just aren't up to par. Thats not to say they are crap. Compared with the first game they are a massive improvement.
Sound: 8/10
Not to shabby, the sounds do enhance the gameplay. The sharp rapport of a gun bing fired or whine as artillery rains down upon you can be thrilling. However the AI will often be shouting things, the bad thing is that each faction only soldier only has about 5 lines. s over the time you play it you will grow quite fustrated of hearing the enemy shout "hey look its the merc!"
Gameplay: 9/10
If it weren't for a piss poor story line and lack of engaging contracts this would be a 10. However theres nothing quite like blowing up an oil rig or making a car bomb. Yet both of those pale in comparison to ordering a nuclear weapon. However the AI don't seem to have a single brain cell between them and the vehcile physics just seem a bit wierd. However with total destruction to any building in the game you can't go wrong. Especilly with the new introduced factors like Fuel.
Longevity: 7/10
With three character to ply throgh you might get excited however they have basically the same story behind them and only basic quote changes. The destruction will keep you coming back for a few weeks but after that it might begin to gather dust. The online co-op certainly makes the game last longer but it is the perfect game for local splitscreen co-op.
Hope my review was useful