Graphic - 6.5/10
Sound - 6.8/10
GamePlay - 7.0/10
Story Telling - 7.2/10
Customization - 3.5/10
Graphic Value:
This is one of those games that focuses more on it's main characters than anyone else in the entire game, which technically isn't a bad thing. But there are already so many other games out that don't suffer from this, so we shouldn't have to suffer cause of their lazy tendency.
Explosions and buildings busting are pretty neat to watch, but seeing your bullets actually fly places and the death animations are severely lacking, Just Cause 2 also does more to make vehicle Hijacking look cooler, however this is slightly okay for it's time.
Guns were pretty Arcade sounding and the voice acting was slightly on a down slope, but things like explosions and again the crumbling sound of a building was very pleasing to my ears. But that's all there really is to say about the sound.
Game Play:
It's one of those games that you play by yourself when you're feeling stressed and wanna blow stuff up, plus you can pan your camera around to face you while you're giving your bad-arse walk away with the fire roaring behind you.
However, this game seem's to strive more on a co-op experience. Blowing stuff up with friends can be quite enjoyable and I found myself trying to be the more hardcore Mercenary when playing with someone else, It just brings out that machismo instinct in everyone.
Story Telling:
It was okay for what it was, It had a set story line and you could pretty much choose to follow it and work for certain factions which became slightly linear, or you could just Sandbox it up and go around killing everyone and blowing anything up in your path.
Customization Value:
There wasn't really any customization per-say, you could do some challenges and unlock alternate costumes for each character and that could set you apart from the other guy if you were both playing the same people, other than that and the custom weapon load-outs, you didn't really have any diverse selection to your people.